The Happy Habit of Painting by Mónica Linares – April


In 2018 I finally did it! I painted most days. How did I do it? I did some serious research on habit formation and also a fantastic opportunity showed up. I’ll share all I learned with you during the time we spend together. I’ll guide you on how to create your happy habit of painting, yes yours! We are all different and have different needs, routines and activities, but we all can create a habit if we really want to, have the right tools, the right motivation and feel accountable. This class will give you all that! You just bring the “really wanting to” part 😉

WAIT-LIST: When “out of stock”, please e-mail us to, with the subject The Happy Habit waitlist, to be added to the waitlist.

Out of stock


DATE: Tuesdays, April 2, 9, 16, 30 (rain date May 7), 2019
TIME: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
FEE: $150
LOCATION: Monica Linares’ studio in Apex, NC (address sent after registration)
SUPPLIES LIST:  Keep reading, you’ll find it after cancellation policy.
MEDIUM: Acrylics
LEVEL: Basic knowledge of painting required | STUDENTS: Max. 3, Min. 2


Why this class? If you are here, you probably know!
I created this class because I struggled with finding time to paint! To make it a priority. And I well knew that the more you paint the better you get. It is very easy to say! I knew the theory, but how put it into practice when you have so much to do every day?

I surrounded myself with successful artists that paint daily, followed their blogs, brought them to town, coordinated their workshops, took their workshops, many times!, and joined painting challenges on Facebook, where you paint one painting a day for 5 days and post them. All great tools! Wonderful tools! But, after the workshops, the challenges, everything went back to where It was: finding it hard to make time to paint. (And I wasn’t the only one! After 9 years coordinating painting workshops I heard the same struggle from many workshop students.)

In 2018 I finally did it! I painted most days. How did I do it? I did some serious research on habit formation and also a fantastic opportunity showed up. I’ll share all I learned with you during the time we spend together. I’ll guide you to find your happy habit of painting, yes yours! We are all different and have different needs, routines and activities, but we all can create a habit if we really want to, have the right tools, the right motivation and feel accountable. This class will give you all that! You just bring the “really wanting to” part 😉

This class will offer you:
The right Motivation and practical ideas
Fun painting exercises that will help you create the habit of painting.
Weekly painting time together  (you will start and finish a painting when we meet)
A mini tribe of like minded people with the common goal of creating the happy habit of painting. This tribe will grow!
…And of course, coffee or tea! (part of the motivation 😉


If  we don’t reach the minimum amount of students for this class to happen the class will be canceled and students will receive a full refund.

If you cancel less than 2 weeks prior to the start of this class you wont receive a refund. If you cancel before this time you will receive a refund of 50% of your class fee.


A class will be rescheduled (rain date) if inclement weather (hurricanes, snow storm, tropical storm, black ice, flooding, etc.) is on the forecast. No one should take any unnecessary risks.


Flat brushes from #2 to #8 (Silver Bristlon is a good brand) and one signing brush (#0 or #00)

Lukas, Golden or Liquitex acrylic paint

  • Cadmium Red deep
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Cadmium Yellow
  • Cadmium Yellow light or Lemon Yellow
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Pthalo Blue or Cerulean Blue
  • Raw Umber
  • Titanium White

One roll of paper towel

Water Spray

Palette (I like the  stay wet Masterson palette, but a paper palette will work too)

20  6×6 harboard panels


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